First Nations Scholarships

Jonas Roberts Scholarship

Value: $400
Number: 5 in May and 5 in January
Eligibility: The student must be enrolled full-time and apply for the scholarship in May. This scholarship is based on transcripts from the previous year. You can apply in January and the scholarship will be based on transcripts from the fall semester.
Criteria: Conditions for the Jonas Roberts Scholarship: academic grades for the previous semester, special significance of program enrolled in, volunteer work, leadership, financial need, and special circumstances in overcoming adversity.
Apply: Letter with reasons you should receive the scholarship with two attached references. Also include transcript of marks.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band
Board of Education
Box 480
La Ronge, SK
S0J 1L0

Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce - La Ronge Band Bursary

Value: $300
Number: 1
Eligibility: The bursary will be awarded to a student enrolled in studies in the banking industry. This bursary was awarded for the first time in May of 2000.
Donor: Sponsored jointly with CIBC Soonyawikumik and La Ronge Indian band Post Secondary Program.